

Two weeks ago Dustin and I took a weekday trip to the cabin, because neither of us had to work. It was nice to get out of the heat and to be in a place where the grass is really greener. The weather was stormy and cool the whole time we were there, which made me look like a vampire in my pictures. The lack of tan doesn't help either, it's too hot to go outside!

This weekend Dustin and I got together with some friends and played an intense battle of the sexes game of catch phrase. So fun! I also did a lot of sewing, including finishing my last pillow for our couch! The trio is complete.


  1. love the pillows! martha would so hire you. I love the invention of twilight now instead of being "pasty" I am porcelain and it was on purpose : )

  2. Make me those pillows pretty please! Also, no more posting pictures of ivy where she looks 2 years old. they make me sad.

  3. weird, Ivy looks like she somewhat likes me here. not crying or making the pouting bottom lip face, which happens to be the most adorable face in the world. im so good with kids. just call me mommy!

  4. so so so so cute! so my mom just bought me a sewing machine but i dont know how to use it...... will you teach me!??/?

  5. those pillows are awesome, go you.
